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Security Architecture

Hydra is built with tough security in mind.

OAuth 2.0 Security Overview

Hydra is an implementation of the security-first Fosite OAuth 2.0 SDK ( Fosite respects the OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations by the IETF, specifically:

  • No Cleartext Storage of Credentials
  • Encryption of Credentials
  • Use Short Expiration Time
  • Limit Number of Usages or One-Time Usage
  • Bind Token to Client id
  • Automatic Revocation of Derived Tokens If Abuse Is Detected
  • Binding of Refresh Token to "client_id"
  • Refresh Token Rotation
  • Revocation of Refresh Tokens
  • Validate Pre-Registered "redirect_uri"
  • Binding of Authorization "code" to "client_id"
  • Binding of Authorization "code" to "redirect_uri"
  • Opaque access tokens
  • Opaque refresh tokens
  • Ensure Confidentiality of Requests
  • Use of Asymmetric Cryptography
  • Enforcing random states: Without a random-looking state or OpenID Connect nonce the request will fail.

Additionally these safeguards are implemented:

  • Advanced Token Validation: Tokens are laid out as <key>.<signature> where <signature> is created using HMAC-SHA256 using a global secret.

Advanced Token Validation (Datastore Security)

For a OAuth2 access token, refresh token or authorize code to be valid, one requires both the key and the signature (formatted as <key>.<signature>). Only the signature is stored in the datastore (SQL), thus a compromised datastore won't allow an attacker to gain access to any valid authorize codes, access tokens, or refresh tokens.

Because HMAC-SHA256 is used, the System Secret is required to create valid key-signature pairs, rendering an attacker unable to inject new codes or tokens into a compromised datastore.


Hydra uses different cryptographic methods, this is an overview of all of them.


AES-GCM is used to encrypt JWKs at rest using a key size of 256 bit which exceeds requirements by Lenstra, ECRYPT II, NIST, ANSSI, and BSI, see

GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) is an authenticated encryption algorithm designed to provide both data authenticity (integrity) and confidentiality. GCM uses a nonce (“IV”) that has an upper limit of 2^32 nonces. If more nonces are used, there is risk of repeats. This means that you risk collisions when storing more than 2^32 documents authenticated with GCM. Because AES-GCM is only used to encrypt data at rest, this is might only impose a problem if

  1. more than 2^32 documents are stored using AES-GCM
  2. an attacker gains access to the datastore where > 2^32 documents are stored
  3. the attacker is able to exploit repeats, for example by authenticating malicious documents


RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256 (RS256) is used to sign JWTs. Its use is recommended by the JWA specification, see

The RSA Key size is 4096 bit long, exceeding the minimum requirement of 2048 bit by

Recommendations from NIST, ANSSI, IAD-NSA, BSI, Lenstra and others vary between 1300 and 2048 bit key lengths for asymmetric cryptography based on discrete logarithms (RSA). 4096 exceeds all recommendations for 2017 from all authorities, see


HMAC (FIPS 198) with SHA256 (FIPS 180-4) is used to sign access tokens, authorize codes and refresh tokens. SHA-2 (with 256 bit) is encouraged by NIST, see


BCrypt is used to hash client credentials at rest. It isn't officially recommended by NIST as it isn't based on hashing primitives such as SHA-2, but rather on Blowfish. However, BCrypt is much stronger than any other (salted) hashing method for passwords, has wide adoption and is an official golang/x library.

I recommend reading this thread on Security Stack Exchange on BCrypt, SCrypt and PBKDF2:

Be aware that BCrypt causes very high CPU loads, depending on the Workload Factor. We strongly advise reducing the number of requests that use Basic Authorization.

How does Access Control work with Hydra?

See OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection.